Our trip is less than two weeks away now! I’m getting more and more excited each day, but also very nervous! It’s been very obvious from the beginning of this journey that God wants me there. He’s revealed that truth to me over and over again… I haven’t paid for one cent of the $1850 I had to come up with, that was ALL HIM! He has reached that goal in full and I just sat back and recieved the blessing! Now I just wonder why he wants me there so badly, what exactly is he getting me in to? How will my life change because of what he will show me down there? It’s been a season of cleansing and humbling for my family and I’m wondering if that has been preparation for what I will experience in Guatemala. Just how much more cleansing and humbling do I need to go through, God? I will be completely out of my comfort zone and will need to rely on God completely to be my strength. I’m not worried about it at all, I know that he will be my everything and he will provide the comfort and strength that I need.
I thank God for such an amazing journey so far and thank him in advance for all that he will accomplish while we are there. I can’t wait to see him pour his blessing over Guatemala and be a part of his amazing plan!
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