Christmas at the Wesselman's

Christmas is always a beautiful day at our house. We actually do most of our gift opening on Christmas Eve, so we can focus on Jesus on Christmas day. The kids have been opening gifts from our employee’s the whole week before but were still excited to open my home made gifts that night. I made each of them personalized dolls and aprons and then finished their sewing projects they started on earlier in the year (Kaetlyn’s quilt pillow, Keirsten’s quilt bag, and Camden’s pillow). They also got personalized sock monkey’s from Gramma Hugo this year, which was a great addition to the dolls I made, they all played really well together.

Camden kissing baby Jesus

The next morning the kids awoke to find baby Jesus in manger (our tradition is that whenever the kids are caught doing an act of kindness through the month of December, they get to put some hay in the manger and if there is enough hay by Chrstmas- baby Jesus will be there… of course, he always shows up regardless); along with three extra special gifts wrapped in gold paper (from Jesus) and Santa’s goodies eaten along with a small gift (we only do one family gift from Santa… Jesus brings the cool gifts.) Santa brought the games of “Do U know”, “Bible Mad Gab” and “Blink.” Jesus brought the book “Christian Wisdom of the Jedi Masters” for Kaetlyn,  Keirsten got her very own Princess Bible and Camden got a nativity play set.

Kiki's Princess Bible

We may not have had a Christmas tree this year or money for Cris and I to exchange gifts and a van stuck in snow down the hill…. but God was blessed and it was a very Merry Christmas!

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