Summer Fun!

So just so you don’t think we never have any fun around my house, here are some pictures of what we do when we aren’t running all over town. Here is a picture of Camden and Keirsten playing with water out on the deck. We didn’t get a pool this year so the horse trough(?)/dirty clothes bin with have to do.

Guess who got a hair cut? After watching Camden sweat in the Boise heat, Cris decided to shave Camden’s head. I think he looks so cute and now his beautiful eyes stand out even more. What a cutie!


One of our favorite things to do in the summer is hang out at Blodel Donovan Park. We bring a blanket and sit right down by the water, we have our lunch and play in the water for a few hours and then sometimes we’ll even go to the playground after we’ve turned into raisens. Some good quiet time for me and the kids have a blast. Good Memories!



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