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Category Archives: Guatemala Mission 2009
Pray for a cancelation!
Okay, so here is where I’m at on the immunizations: I did find a fairly cheaper route through the Skagit Valley Health Dept. (Whatcom Health Dept. no longer does immunizations) but it’s still pretty spendy. I’ve talked with our healthcare provider (Molina- Basic Health) and they do cover Hepititus A&B when it’s recommended by a suggested doctor. Right now, the doctors I am assigned to are all booked untill August. In talking with the receptionist, they don’t have a waiting list in case of any… Continue reading
Posted in Guatemala Mission 2009
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Car Wash Fundraiser A Success!
Yesterday was the Guatemala Dance Team’s Car Wash Fundraiser and it was quite the success! We started washing our first car at about 10:45 and ended at 3:30 with the end total of $488! Not too shabby! The weather could have been better and we probably would have had more customers but we’ll take what we can get. We had a great time and I think it was well worth it! God blessed us! Here are a few pics from our day.
The “vehicle of the day” award has to go to this truck that pulled in… Continue reading
Posted in Guatemala Mission 2009
Thanksgiving in advance
Okay, I have to confess my moments of discouragement right now. I’m not doing so well on getting my immunizations done for the trip. Just some insight- I only have Basic Health through the state for my insurance and they do not cover any travel related immunizations. I also have not been to a general doctor since High School (yes, I know- crazy!) and the only one covered by my insurance (that accept new patients) is booked through the end of July… not helpful! Their are walk-in clinics that… Continue reading
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Car Wash Fundraiser
This Saturday (June 6th) our dance team going to Guatemala is holding a car wash to raise funds for our trip. We’ll be at the Jalopy Jucuzzi on Iowa Street from 11am to 4pm- please stop by, say hello and get your car washed. If you don’t have a car or it doesn’t need washed, come by anyway… although we may put you to work. 🙂
Hope to see you there! Continue reading
Posted in Guatemala Mission 2009
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Guatemala Coffee!
So for one of our fund raisers we are selling coffee. Not just any coffee- Coffee from Guatemala! I guess there is a guy who grows and roasts his own coffee down in Guatemala and then transports it up to the U.S. for the sole purpose of raising funds for missionaries. How cool is that? Anyhow, I am now selling Guatemalan Coffee for $10.00/bag. If you want some- and I don’t have to ship it to you- let me know.
You can’t really tell from this blurry picture, but that is the logo for our mi… Continue reading
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Guatemala (Continued)
Even in these early stages of preparing for my trip, God is showing his faithfulness. We have goals that we need to meet in order to get everything set in place, it can all be quite overwhelming when you look at it through human eyes. Our finances have not been very good, we’ve had to borrow money from Jump Around just get groceries for our family and in obviousness- we can not afford this trip. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out how I could make $100 in time for me to get my pa… Continue reading
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God's call to Guatemala!
Okay, so I haven’t been the greatest at keeping up with this whole blog thing- so sew me! I’m trying ok! I figured I better start journaling somewhere with all that’s been going on in my life lately- so where better than here, right?
I will try to write a little every day to get you all up to date on where I’m at and where God is calling me next.
So, on to the big news in my life right now. I AM GOING TO GUATEMALA! I’ve known about the trip ever since I started leading at Doxa (our Hig… Continue reading
Posted in Guatemala Mission 2009
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