El Salvador- Day 9 (July 3rd)

Lord, yesterday was amazing! We actually made it to seven different schools, two of which we did all together as a team and some of the guys got to play some basketball with the schools team. Very Cool! TheĀ first school we went to was at an All-Girls school, which was perfect that our group was made up of only girls…. and Tim. šŸ™‚ I actually got to be the M.C. for our time there, introducing our team members, and talking between dances and testimonies. We did both our dances and Krissa (one of my former students) gave the gospel message- she did such a great job, I was so proud of her! You moved in such an amazing way- I’m pretty sure half the school gave their lives to you- I had to have them crowd around the girls and do one big cover prayer because there were only about 6 of our team and about 200 students to pray for. You are so good!

The second school we went to- I had something very cool happen. After Tyler’s amazing gospel message, he gave an invitation to accept you as their savior. The two girls I ended up praying for told me that they recognized me not only from their church that I attended on Sunday but also from TV! Apparently, us dancers were on channel 17 their in El Salvador. So Cool!!

I was very blessed at the third school we went to- both Ali and Deanna (two of my Freshman girls) got to tell their testimonies. You showed me how an amazing ripple effect can happen when I act in obedience to your call. When Deanna first came to Bellingham, I was a bit worried that we would not hit it off and she would blow off any attempts I made toward bringing her to Doxa. I would pick her up each week and gradually our friendship started to grow, and so did her relationship with you. It was so cool watching her fall in love with you and then taking that step in getting baptized! Then watching her reach out to Ali and bring her to Doxa each week. Now watching Ali learn about you and fall in love with you, because Deanna acted in obedience to your calling. WhatĀ a beautiful picture of how you work in our lives, Lord. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of something so big and so amazing!

The last school we went to, your Holy Spirit moved in such a mighty way. I was a bit worried because these were teenagers and the teenagers we ministered to earlier this week didn’t seem very interested. Well, “with you all things are possible!” Again, some of our guys played basketball with their schools team, the extreme biker guys put on a show and we didĀ the “Everything” skit as well as two of the girls gave their testimonies. Then Kyle gave the gospel message and probably over half of the students gave their hearts to you! You are so amazing, Lord, I love watching you work your magic! I love hearing the amazing stories after we pray with people! Thank you, Lord, for an amazing day!

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