Day 2 (July 11th)

Good Morning Lord! Well, I think I actually got some good rest last night. I probably could have slept longer but I do feel rested. Thank you for a great day, yesterday was a great start for our trip. We went to a new church plant in a sketchy little neighborhood. There wasn’t a lot of people but they were so blessed to have us there. They were very welcoming and even saw us to our bus when we left (all of them!) Seth lead worship, the Everything drama performed and Brian gave a message. A lot of people went up for prayer, too.

Today we will be going to 3 different schools in the morning, we’ll meet up for lunch and then we’ll visit 3 more schools in the afternoon. After that, we will be putting on a mini-festival out in a field where we’ll do dramas and dances and Reid will give the gospel message.
I may be sharing at one of the schools if we go to a elementary school. I’m kind of excited with message you’ve prepared, Lord. Help me speak it will Lord, just speak through me and do your work.

Hannah, showing the kids where we live on the U.S. map.

Oh wow, what a day! We went to 2 schools in the morning, both were elementary shcools with about 20 kids a piece. We did one dance and the creation team did their drama. Tara, Soliel, Hannah and Deanna all gave their testimonies and I gave the gospel message. Thank you so much for the approach you had me take- it was fun and allowed them to interact. Just about all 20 kids at both places made decisions for you. Then after luch Chelsea’s group went to more schools and the rest of us went to a park on the water in a very rural area. We drew a crowd in about 10 minutes and did all our dances and both skits and Tyler gave the gospel and invitation. There were 12 decisions made including a few drunks.

Doing our dance, “Inside Out,” by the water!

Then we headed out to a field in the rural part of town, where the bikers set up their ramps and a stage was put up as well, for a mini-festival. After the bikers did their show and gave the gospel/testimony, we moved over to the big stage. Seth lead worship, we did one dance, Lindsey gave her testimony, Creation team did their drama and then Reid shared the gospel. It was a great day, we saw you move in so many ways and in so many lives. You are amazing!


“May God be merciful and bless us. May his face smile with favor on us. May your ways be known throughout the earth, your saving power among people everywhere. May the nations praise you, O God. Yes, may all the nations praise you. Let the whole world sing for joy, because you govern the nations with justice and guide the people of the whole world. May the nations praise you, O God. Yes, may all the nations praise you. Then the earth will yield its harvests, and God, our God, will richly bless us. Yes, God will bless us, and people all over the world will fear him.” Psalm 67

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