Ballard Bound

Oh wow! We leave for Seattle tomorrow! I’m both excited and nervous- excited to see all that you will do in and through these students, and nervous because of all the different factors this year. Lord, I want to pray for all the legistics, the change in leadership this year has taken some getting use to and this is just an extension of that. I pray that you would keep me humble, so that ugly head of pride stays at bay. Help me see how I can be encouraging and helpful to Daniel, Christine and Brian.
I’m also anxious for the variety of students- I’m glad that this trip was a bit more practical financially, but that aspect seemed to week out the unfaithful and the lazy. But I’m afraid that we have a lot of students coming, thinking this is just “a vacation.” I’m praying Lord, that there would be so much of you to go around that there would be nothing left of them. I pray that you would stretch and mold each person on this team and the people we meet.
Lastly, the whole “mom” aspect is new to me this year. It will be great having Kaety come on the trip with me, for her to see what I’ve been doing these past few years. But it will be hard trying to juggle the desire to share every waking minute with her- letting her have space but not completely letting go and have her feel neglected by me. I am also full of expectations for what you will do in her heart and I’m praying that you will use this trip to change her life and redirect her dramatically. I just don’t want to be desappointed if that doesn’t happen- I know you will do things in your own timing, just help me to remember that.

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