Lord Jesus, I am so amazed once again at how HUGE you are! I am completely broken and humbled to be serving you, and I’m reminded of my humanness once again. Who am I, that you would want to use me, of all people? I am so honored to be your servant, to be used by you to preach your gospel to hundreds- maybe thousands of people. Truely honored, my Lord, truely honored!
Going to those schools today to share your love with them, and to so much more loved in return was such an honor and priviledge. I was so proud to dance for you today, and feel your eyes on me, smiling. Knowing how proud of me you were and truely feeling like I was doing what you called me to do. I am so amazed at your perfect plan. We went to two schools in the morning, the first one we got to dance at, the second we didn’t but we were totally at peace about it.
This afternoon we were sent to another school but it turned out that it was closed because of a kids soccor tournament. So we prayed about what to do and you lead us to the actual soccor tournament where we handed out flyers to the Festival in Cantel. After that we walked through the streets handing out more flyers. You opened up doors of opportunity to bless people on the streets- the boys played a few games of soccor with some of the neighborhood boys, they helped an old lady carry a load up a hill and another lady carry wood from the street to her house. They’ve really stepped up in servanthood this week- I’ve been so proud of them.
Thank you for your perfect plan and working things together for your glory! You never cease to amaze me, Lord!