Guatemala Mission Trip- Day Five

July 30th- (no verse today- a poem- but that’s just for me to see)

Lord, I’m not sure why I was awake hours before I needed to be. I got a lot of praying done and some really good thoughts but I’m not sure I needed to wake up in that early for them.

Anyhow, I’m excited to see what you’re going to do today at the festival. This is such a powerful week! YAY God! Love you, my Lord!



Lord, what an amazing morning! We went down to Central Park where the ramps were set up for the professional skaters and biker that joined our ministry team last night. They drew an amazing crown and there were tons of people! Brian had asked me to give my testimony today at the festival but when the time came I had just finished doing a dance and was completely out of breath. David Chapman stepped up at the last minute to give his testimony…. and it was amazing! There were more young guys in the crowd at that time and many of which were probably none believers, who better to give there testimony than a young guy who use to be an athiest. Your timing is perfect once again, Lord! I was kind of bummed that I didn’t get to give my testimony but I knew you had the perfect plan in mind and that you have the perfect time in mind for my story. I just pray that there are plenty of teenage girls around to hear it. I will trust you for the right timing, you are the sovereign one after all!


So anyway- after all the dances and skits and stunts were over, Reid gave an invitation to accept you as their savior. I loved the way he did it, it was very refreshing and effective. There ended up being about 25 people that came forward and even better was the fact that they seemed genuine and sincere. I ended up praying for a girl about 12 or 13 who came with her friend, both ready to give their lives to you. After I prayed for her, I asked her name (not sure why I didn’t ask before I prayed)… her name was Nely! That made me think of my beautiful Nelli at home whom I don’t get to talk to anymore and it gave me hope that one day I would be able to pray with her again. Thank you for that, Lord!


After that I ended up coming back to the hotel with Laura who was not feeling well, she didn’t do any of the dances cause she felt naseaus. We rode back with Elijah, Mason and John (the skaters and biker). Laura went straight to bed and I went to check on Angela Bryant who had stayed behind because she wasn’t feeling well either. She had slept all morning and was finally ready to try food… but we didn’t come back for lunch so she was kind of on her own. We were able to find an english speaking hotel clerk who ordered her some chicken noodle soup and we sat in the lunch room and chatted for a bit. It was good to get to know her and just chat a bit. I told her my story (some practice for telling my testimony in public) and we had some good talks about other subjects as well. She is a very bright gal and I see that she loves you very much, Lord. Continue to make her well, so she can get out there and serve you Lord.


After that we went to our rooms, I danced a little bit for you and then took a little cat-nap. When everyone got back, I went to check on Laura again- who’d been asleep for about 2 hours. She was feeling a little better but not a 100%. Lord, I pray that she would pull through this soon so she can be effective for you tomorrow.

Nicole and I stayed in our room until dinner and we did some Bible Bingo, we talked a bit about why she hasn’t been feeling good lately. I gave her the picture that if you don’t fill up the cup, you have nothing to pour out. I had her look up John 15 and added to my picture. Apart from you, Lord, we can do nothing. You are the vine and we are the branches- if we are not connected to you, we have no source of living water and we begin to wither and dry up. Up to that point, she hadn’t opened her Bible once, no journaling, nothing! That’s why she was sick! We have been doing so much ‘pouring out’  and she had nothing to give- she was withering and drying up. After that, you prompted her to start working on her testimony. Lord, keep working in her life and lead her to your loving arms for your life giving embrace.


Lord, tonight at family time, you spoke through Lauren Neutsal and I’m so encredibly amazed at the work you did in so many hearts in that room. She challenged us to “not hold back” in another way. A lot of us have been making excuses for not sharing our testimonies or the gospel. Her words, “we’ve been preparing for this and now it’s go time!” were just what they needed to hear. I’m actually excited to share my testimony and I just want to pray that you would arrange it in such a way that I could impact as many teenage girls as possible. Maybe an all girls High School or even just a High School, or at one of the festival when a lot of teens just happen to be there. You have the best time in mind and I trust you to carry it out. I’m ready and willing for whatever- whenever!

Lord I also want to thank you for breaking down Hannah’s wall and enabling her to leave the past year at your feet. Listening to her ask for your forgiveness for holding on so tightly to her burdens… and then releasing them at your feet…. broke my heart. I’m sure it broke yours all that much more, but now you can step in and do the good work in her and bless her with so much more. Praise you Father! Continue to mold that beautiful young lady into the godly woman you had in mind when you created her. Thank you for her amazing example of humility and obedience tonight, Lord. Amen.


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