“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.” Psalm 62:5

Saturday morning, December 12th, we were getting ready to leave for the Christmas program rehearsal at the church and our neighbor called Cris over to give him a Christmas card. She said they wanted to get us something but decided to let us decide what that was… inside was $500! We were in shock! Immediately, I was reminded of the prayer I had prayed only days before that in only a few areas of need, it was going to come to $500- I was stressing and asking God to provide that cause there was no way that I was going to be able to come up with that. How great is our God! He is so faithful!

As if that weren’t enough to show us how amazing he is, he decided to make his point even more clear. Sunday morning Cris got a text from our friend Brian saying that he had something for us and to find him at church. We were a little curious but didn’t think to much of it. After dropping off the kids at their classes and got our coffee, Brian came over to us with an envelope in his hand. He said that someone (not him) had given him the duty of being a messanger to us. This person felt that God laid it on their heart to give this gift to us, as a gift from God, so they wanted to remain anonymous. We thanked our messanger and with tears in my eyes, we headed upstairs to where our Truth Project class was being held. We decided to go into one of the nearby empty rooms to open the envelope… and it was a good thing cause I would have made a scene if we did it in class. Inside the envelope, with no note, was a folded peice of paper containing a large amount of cash (I won’t say how much, but it was a very generous amount). I completely lost it and broke down sobbing in Cris’ arms! We stood their in shock, holding each other and praising God for his abundant provision and the amazing ways he reveals himself. We were completely humbled and felt so undeserving of his faithfulness after we had struggled all week to trust in him with the news of our house going to foreclosure.  We still have no clue who our “Christmas angel” is, but we know that it’s not the point of the blessing. The true giver, has revealed himself to us to remind us of who is still in control. Our God is so good to us, so loving, so wonderfully faithful even when we don’t deserve it. Thank you, God, that our souls find rest in you alone and that our hope comes from you!

Ps. If  you’re reading this, our “Christmas Angel”, thank you, thank you, thank you, for your obedience to God’s call. You are a wonderful servant to our King and have blessed our family more than you can possibly imagine!

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