Guatemala Mission Trip- Day Two

July 27th- “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it remains in the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me- and I in him- bears much fruit, because apart from me you can accomplish nothing.” John 15:4-5 (Cris’ verse of the day)

Lord, I woke up this morning and I’M IN GUATEMALA!!! Praise you, God, for your faithfulness! It was only a few short months ago that I felt your tug on my heart to persue this “crazy” idea and I remember the conversation I had in my head about how ridiculous it sounded. “Me? A missionary? What in the world do I have to offer? Absolutely nothing!” I still feel that way, Lord, why would anyone listen to me? How could I possibly be used when I have no spanish speaking skills, no knowledge to share, I can’t even get my dance team to listen to me half the time! I regognize my humanness before you this morning, God. You alone are the only reason I’m here, you are so much bigger than my humanness and my lack of wisdom and you are bigger than any language barrier. Lord, I lay myself before your cross and surrender to you. I want you to do your will in my life. Use me how you want to and help me to be sensitive to your guiding hand. Don’t let me miss an opportunity to serve you! Equip me, Lord, with your armor. The helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteosness, the sheild of faith, the belt & sword of truth and the footgear of readiness to spread your good news. I can’t do anything without you on this trip (or ever, for that matter) and I want to be effective, so use me, Lord. I am your open vessel to send where you please. Here I am, send me!

Be with us today, Lord, as we travel to Cantel. It will be a long and not-so-fun ride. Help us to all have good attitudes. Keep us safe as the roads are windy and our drivers are CRAZY! Keep us all healthy and protect us from nasea. Get us to your people, Lord, safely so we can be effective for your kingdom. I praise you in advance, Lord, for what you will do in us and through us in Cantel. I ask all this in the beautiful name of your son, Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.


Wow- that was really not as bad as we thought it would be. They made it out to be this horrific journey through windy roads on dangerous steep mountain ledges…. yeah, way over the top! It was actually a very fun ride, we sang lots of songs and even had a “rap off” between several of us. Here are some pictures of our adventures along the way to our new hotel- “Hotel De Campo.”


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