Category Archives: Guatemala Mission 2009

Guatemala Mission Trip- Day Four

July 29th- “For who is our hope or joy or crown to boast of before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not of course you? For you are our glory and joy!” 1 Thesalonians 2:19-20 (Cris’ verse of … Continue reading

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Guatemala Mission Trip- Day Three (continued)

Evening- Lord Jesus, I am so amazed once again at how HUGE you are! I am completely broken and humbled to be serving you, and I’m reminded of my humanness once again. Who am I, that you would want to … Continue reading

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Guatemala Mission Trip- Day Three

July 28th- “So we must not grow weary in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 (Cris’ verse of the day) Lord, this verse was just what I needed this … Continue reading

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Guatemala Mission Trip- Day Two

July 27th- “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it remains in the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you … Continue reading

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Guatemala Mission Trip- Day One

July 26th- “He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 (Cris’ verse for the day- I had one for each day I was gone- I know, what a great husband I … Continue reading

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Guatemala Bound!

Shots administered, laundry done, bags almost packed… tomorrow’s the big day! Can you believe it? I can’t! Never in a million years would I have planned this for my life…. it’s just too big! Just goes to show how BIG our God is and when you serve a BIG God, you better expect BIG plans, right?! He is so good!
Well, this will be my last entry until I return. I am bringing a journal to write in while I’m there and maybe I will transfer all those entries to this site when I get back… Continue reading

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It's coming so quickly!

Our trip is less than two weeks away now! I’m getting more and more excited each day, but also very nervous! It’s been very obvious from the beginning of this journey that God wants me there. He’s revealed that truth to me over and over again… I haven’t paid for one cent of the $1850 I had to come up with, that was ALL HIM! He has reached that goal in full and I just sat back and recieved the blessing! Now I just wonder why he wants me there so badly, what exactly is he getting me in to? Ho… Continue reading

Posted in Guatemala Mission 2009 | 1 Comment

Kid's Carnival a Success!

This last Saturday, June 27th, was our Kid’s Carnival fundraiser and it was a blast. We got to Jump Around at 8:00 to begin setup. Everyone pitched in and we still had 45 minutes left after we were all set up. I love these kinds of events where everyone works together to accomplish a goal, this is going to be an amazing team to work along side down in Guatemala. I was so proud of each of them, they all worked so hard. We had a lot of people come through and donate money. I think our total cam… Continue reading

Posted in Guatemala Mission 2009 | 1 Comment

Things are looking good!

Hello everyone!
First off- I just want to thank everyone who has been praying for me and supporting me in this new season of my life. I appreciate you all and I’m completely blessed by you.
So, to give you an update on my progress… or should I say God’s progress. I went to my Guatemala meeting the other day and found out that I’m only $45 away from my complete goal! Halleluiah! I still have coffee to sell and we have a fundraiser I’m helping out with next Saturday (more info. to come… Continue reading

Posted in Guatemala Mission 2009 | 2 Comments

Who say's God does not provide?!

Okay, so I’m still in shock from what just happened last night. My God is so good and I know I shouldn’t be so surprised when He does amazing things, but I love that he continues to amaze me with just how awesome he is. Ya know?
So, I was leaving Doxa last night when Chelsea (our youth pastor’s amazing admin. asst.) came running out to stop me. I rolled down the window and she gave me the most amazing news! The finance dept. of the church informed her earlier in the day that someone had an… Continue reading

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